About us
CN is one of the Hair Accessory Brands which focuses on the children market. CN provides beautiful and adorable hair accessories to the global kids with their unique, elegant and sophisticated hand-made products.
CN brand is devoted to offering fashionable, classic kids hair bow,hairband,headband,cheerbow,hair clips, ranging from ages one to eighteen. The brand was created by John and May after the birth of their first daughter, who they named Chengna. In 2005, Chengna told her parents that she wished to give Christmas presents to her classmates. Despite not having much money to spend on expensive gifts, John and May didn’t want to disappoint Chengna, so decided to make handcrafted Christmas gifts made from cotton fabric for her classmates. Chengan took her Christmas gifts to school the following morning a little worried that her gifts would not be received favourably compared to her school friend’s purchased gifts. Her fears quickly turned to happiness and pride when she saw everyone admiring her hair bows. When John and May heard how everyone had admired their hair bows, they decided to continue making them for other children to enjoy.
With the help from other parents, John and May collected different styles and coloured materials and commenced their research and design. Their finished products - offering high quality and unique designs - made their hair bows a popular purchase with John deciding to expand the business by offering their products on-line globally. Their success resulted in expanding their business from 2 to 60+ employees.
Couldn’t Be Nicer! John and May’s desire is to continue making little girls all over the world very happy by wearing their beautiful and unique hair accessories.